32세 이하의 젋은 아티스트만을 대상으로 를 대상으로 한 기획전시. 09년 봄 예정.
WWJD (with an M.F.A.)?
The New Museum has announced plans for a triennial exhibition devoted to emerging global artists, slated to open in the spring of 2009. None of the participants will be older than thirty-three, a point hammered home by the show’s title, “Younger Than Jesus.” (One wonders if “Younger Than Schiele” was ever in the running; after all, the bad-boy Austrian painter died of the flu at the unripe age of twenty-eight.) Sensationalist title aside, such arbitrary parameters are the stuff of these round-ups. The Corcoran Biennial shows only painters. For decades the Whitney Biennial was restricted to American artists, and it’s worth noting that Lisa Phillips, now the director of the New Museum, was one of the first Whitney curators to bend that rule—and to acknowledge the broader political significance of the word “American”—by including Canadian and Mexican artists in the show, in 1997. The curators of “Younger Than Jesus”—Laura Hoptman, Lauren Cornell, and Massimiliano Gioni among them—have similar reputations for thinking outside the white cube. If any institution has a mandate to focus on the new (which, granted, is not synonymous with the young), it’s the New Museum. Who knows, maybe some Palestinian performance artist will turn water into wine at the opening.—Andrea K. Scott
(Photograph: Dean Kaufman)
New museum 에 대한 글
원문(from NewYorkers)
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